Study on Loom Motion | Loom Motion Classification | Primary motions of loom | Secondary motions of loom | Tertiary motions of loom

Loom Motion:

Normally, in Woven fabric manufacturing process three types of loom motions are used. They are-

          1. Primary Motion
          2. Secondary Motion
          3. Tertiary Motion.

Classification loom motion

Fig: Classification of Loom Motion.

Primary motions of loom

Primary motion is necessary for weaving fabric. Without this mechanisms, it is practically impossible to produce a fabric. For weaving a fabric, three primary motions are required in the loom.

Shedding is the operation by which the warp is divided into two sheets so that sufficient gap is created for the uninterrupted passage of the weft from one side of the loom to the other.

Picking is the operation to transfer the weft yarn (pick) into the shed from one side of the loom to the other. In shuttle loom, picking is done from both sides of the loom. However, in shuttle less looms, it is done from only one side of the loom.

Beat up is the operation of pushing the newly inserted weft yarn back into the cloth fell by using the reed.

Let-off motion:
This motion delivers warp to the weaving area at the required rate and at a suitable constant tension by unwinding it from a weaver’s beam.

Take-up motion: 
This motion withdraws fabric from the weaving area at the constant rate that will give the required pick spacing and then winds it onto a roller.

Warp stop motion:
This motion able to stop the loom when a warp thread breaks or get excessively loosened.

Weft stop motion:
This motion able to stop the loom when a weft breaks or runs out of the pirn (weft package).

Warp protector/Reed stop motion:
This motion protect the warp threads by stopping the loom when the shuttle fails to reach, the selvedge side and box properly into either the shuttle box during picking.

                   Posted By-

         Campus Correspondent,
Shyamoli Textile Engineering College.

Study on Loom Motion | Loom Motion Classification | Primary motions of loom | Secondary motions of loom | Tertiary motions of loom Study on Loom Motion | Loom Motion Classification | Primary motions of loom | Secondary motions of loom | Tertiary motions of loom Reviewed by Aman on 2:30 AM Rating: 5

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